Title III / English Learner (EL)

Welcome to the Title III / EL Department

Title III is a federally funded program that is part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.  The goal of the Title III program is to ensure that limited English proficient students develop English proficiency and meet the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards.


Sweetwater County School District #1 is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students. Therefore, a comprehensive Title III program for students who are English learners (EL) has been established and will be maintained to assure their academic and social success.

Program Goal

Sweetwater County School District #1 will meet the needs of English learners by providing appropriate and necessary language instruction to make certain students acquire the language communication skills necessary to meet state and district standards, achieve academically at grade level, and succeed socially in a general education environment.  Title III services are provided in all schools across the district. 

Title III staff positions are advertised nation wide and candidates go through and extensive interview process.  Qualified applicants are offered open EL positions.  Please click here to see career opportunities in Sweetwater #1.


Contact Information

Jessica Libbee: Director of Grants and Federal Programs

Sweetwater County School District #1
3550 Foothill Blvd., Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: 307.352.3400 ext. 1247
Fax: 1-800-391-5628
Email: libbeej@sw1.k12.wy.us