Sweetwater One Public School Foundation

The Sweetwater One Public School Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization that is dedicated to ensuring that funds will be available for educational initiatives for students today as well as for future students. To address this need, the foundation endeavors to solicit and manage funds to enhance educational opportunities for students.

Kari's Access Awards

Kari's Access Awards is an Endowment Fund, within the Sweetwater One Public School Foundation, and was established in 2006 in memory of Kari (Kay) Fusselman, a former student at Westridge Elementary, White Mountain Junior High, and Rock Springs High School.

The Fund's focus is in helping individual School District #1 students (K thru 12) access non-traditional scholarships that give students the opportunity to participate in outside activities that will enhance learning and personal growth. Kari's Access Awards is designed to open new opportunities for individual students to help bring out the best of each student "One Child At A Time"!

Kari's Access Awards has gifted to more than 420 students of Sweetwater County School District #1!

Kari's Access Awards Application - Click  Here

Where We Help:

Awards, Grants, Endowments

Needs Based Awards                                                Grants and Awards
Kari's Access Awards                                                 S.E.E. Grants Program
Father Lukas Memorial                                            Supporting Education and Enrichment
Back to School Shopping                                         Recognition Awards
A-Z Fund                                                                       Blue Jean Fund
Camp Feat

General Fund

Foundation Board Members

Mark Rubich, Chairman

Larry Fusselman, Vice-Chairman

Mike Blume, Treasurer

Irene Richardson, Secretary

Carlos Salazar

Gene Legerski

Stacy Jones

Jim Sedey

Beth Gard

Candy Bedard 

Randi Johnson, Foundation Liaison