CANVAS 2024 - 2025
Hello from the Canvas Technical Integrations team!
1 (307) 352-3460
Canvas Support Hotline
1 (833) 482-2868
Canvas Tutorials Here
Latest Canvas Summary Release Notes Here
Canvas is available for all teachers and students in Sweetwater County School District #1.
Need help, please open a Help Desk Ticket.
Staff Canvas
Instructor Information:
Canvas Overview Instructors Video
Getting started Guides: Getting Started with Everything Canvas Instructors
Quick Start Guide for New Users: Quick Start Guide PDF
Video Supports:
Assignments: Assignments Overview Instructors
Gradebook: Gradebook Overview Instructors
Speed Grader: SpeedGrader Overview Instructors
Calendar Overview: Calendar Overview Instructors
Course Home Page Customization: Course Home Page Customization Instructors
Course Content Import: Course-Content-Import-Instructors
Canvas Grade Sync:
Are your grades syncing between Canvas & Powerschool
If you answered NO, double check that the NIGHTLY SYNC is checked under Grade Sync > Utilities on each course. Then click Remaster Grade Passback to manually post grades.
Look at the History tab under Grade Sync. Is there a red ! beside the word completed? Click on "Completed" then Warnings & Errors. This will give information on the source of the problem. HINT: Your assignment names in Canvas must match your assignment names in Powerschool exactly or grades will not transfer.
If this does not fix the problem, call Lennie 352-3460 x 1110
Troubleshooting Guides & Support:
- Accessing Canvas Assignments
- Logging into the Canvas Teacher App
- Making Assignments Available to Students
- Making Files Available to Students
- Managing Group Assignment Settings
- Posting Grades in the Gradebook
- Printing Quizzes from Canvas
- Selecting Quiz Options
- Updating a Canvas Quiz
- Using an Xxternal Tool in my Course
- Using the Canvas Gradebook
- Using the Canvas Missing Submission Policy
- Using the Canvas Teacher App
- Viewing my Student’s Assignment Score
- Verifying Student Submission
Canvas users can contact Canvas Support through the Help menu in Canvas Global Navigation on the web or the Help option in the User Menu from one of the Canvas mobile apps. Canvas support agents are trained to assist all Canvas user roles, including students, instructors, and observers/parents/caregivers.
- Staff Help Desk
District Help (First Line of Help) - Chat with Canvas Support
Chat directly with Canvas Support. - Canvas Support Hotline
Need Assistance with your Canvas Course? Contact Lennie 1307-352-3460 x 1110
Instructor Guides
- Canvas Instructor Guide
- New Teacher Resources
- Instructor Videos Wearhouse
- Campus Community
- Troubleshooting Guide
Instructor: Other Topics of Interest
- Assignments
- Calendar
- Chat
- Collaborations
- Course Import Tool
- Course Navigation
- Courses & Sections
- Discussions
- Files
- Global Navigation
- Grades
- Groups
- Inbox
- Modules
- Outcomes
- Pages
- Quizzes
- Quizzes (New)
- Rich Content Editor
- Rubrics
- Settings
- SpeedGrader
- Web Services
Instructor: Trainings Opportunities
Training Services Portal Instructor Access and Use
Student Canvas
Student Information
Canvas-Overview-Students Video
Video Supports:
Assignments: Assignments Overview Students
Submission: Assignment Submissions Students
Grades: Grades Overview Students
Calendar: Calendar Overview Students
Dashboard: Dashboard Overview Students
Troubleshooting Guides & Support:
Removing a course from my dashboard Guide
Submitting a Canvas Assignment Guide
Viewing Canvas Courses in the Dashboard Guide
How do I view the To Do List Guide
How do I use the Calendar Guide
Parent / Oberserver Canvas
Observer Information:
Canvas Overview for Observers Video
Canvas Overview for Observers
- Canvas – Parent/Guardians have the option to sign up as an observer to their student's Canvas account so they can see assignment dues dates, grades, announcements, and other course content. Observers may view the course content but cannot participate in the course. To learn more about how to be an observer in Canvas click on the following links:
- Parent Registration Instructions
- Parent Registration Instructions
Getting Started Guides: Observer Guide/Observer/Parent Getting Started Resources
Managing Notifications Guide: Manage Observer Notification Settings
Navigating A Course Guide: Navigating a Canvas Course
Canvas Help Guide
SCSD#1 Staff Help Desk:
Staff Help Desk Tickets can be used by any staff member of Sweetwater 1 for Canvas assistance. The link is on the district home page under staff links and here.
Help Desk Tickets are your first line of support for Canvas.
Users can get assistance with creating new Sandbox Courses, Sync Set-Up Sync Issues, Crosslisting Support, and any other general inquiries.
SCSD#1 Student Help Desk:
Help Desk Tickets can be used by any student of Sweetwater 1 for Canvas assistance. The link is on the district home page under student links and here.
Help Desk Tickets are your first line of support for Canvas.
Users can get assistance for courses not showing up on dashboard, support with uploading files, issues with external program links or any other general questions.
Canvas Support Ticket:
Canvas Support Tickets can be used by any canvas user or SCSD#1 user for Canvas assistance. Link is also available on users help tab.
Canvas Support Tickets can be put in for any issues related to the users Canvas Accounts. These tickets will be send directly to Canvas Teir 1 support.
Canvas Support Hotline:
Canvas Support Hotline is available 24/7 and for any staff member or admin in SCSD#1 or any Canvas user. Number is also available on the users help tab.
1 (833) 482-2868
The Canvas Support Hotline is manned by Teir 1 Support personnel and can be used for any immediate issues with Canvas accounts. For any issues that will need additional support will be put in a ticket and sent to the appropriate support department in Canvas.
Canvas Chat:
Live Canvas Chat can be used by any SCSD#1 faculty, student or admin and is available 24/7. It is also available to any Canvas user in their Canvas account. Link is available on the users help tab in their accounts.
Canvas Chat can be used for any questions or issues you may have regarding your Canvas account.
Canvas Guides:
Canvas Guides is a huge repository of all things Canvas and can be used by any SCSD#1 member or any Canvas user.
Canvas Guides offer a wealth of information and resources for the Canvas user who wants to research or find answers to common questions related to anything Canvas. Guides also offer directions on how to navigate or set up Canvas related tasks.
Ask the Community:
Ask the Commuity is a forum type of website that is available to any member who has a SCSD#1 Canvas account or anyone who seeking information.
Canvas community offers a website to ask a question or start a discussion with other Canvas users, or contribute to the global Canvas community.
Other Helpful Resources:
Submit a Feature Idea:
Ideas and Themes website is available to any Canvas user and any member of SCSD#1 and is available 24/7.
Ideas and Themes is a way for community members and Instructure to identify trends, determine priority, and collaborate on high value solutions.
Training Portal:
The training services portal provides SCSD#1 Canvas admins and instructors access to free training resources created by Instructure, the parent company of Canvas. To access the Training Services Portal, click the Canvas Help menu.
The training portal is only available to Canvas users. Users have to create an account in order to access the training. The account will be created in the users Canvas Account through the help menu. Trainings include courses & Webinars, Pathways, Live Trainings and is available for specific K-12 Integrations.
Download the Mobile Device App
General Canvas Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Canvas (Learning Management System)
WHO: All Wyoming School Districts and Colleges!
WHEN: Current (Since 2017-2018 school year)
WHY: To have a consistent Learning Platform for all Wyoming Students in education K-12 and higher education.
WHAT: Online Learning System to help simplify teaching and learning by connecting all the digital tools teachers use in one easy place.
HOW: Wyoming Department of Education has adopted Canvas as the statewide Learning Management System.
WHERE: SCSD#1 will allow any classes/teachers to utilize this software in our district.
SCSD#1 Information
CANVAS is available for any staff members!
- GoWYLD Cengage Links now available to use in CANVAS Links List Here
- Cengage Resource website:
- Parent Access is now live. Create a pairing code instructions.
- VIMEO is now open and accessible in CANVAS!
- Canvas live webinars offer PTSB Credit for 7 online webinars/1 hour each. Please open a ticket for more information.
- Student access availability-students have full access for any teacher who is utilizing CANVAS.
- Reliability - Canvas status is live and their up-time for the last three years is 99.8%.
- Questions - Please open a Help Desk Ticket and we can answer any questions you might have.
- Availability- on all learning platforms: iPad, iPod, android devices as well as tablets and MacBooks.
- Integration - Canvas is integrated with Google Drive and you will log in through and with your district Google account.
- Canvas is integrated with Powerschool and offers Grade-Passback
- Google Drawing in your Google apps can create banners, buttons and other fun things to add to canvas.
- Please see the help and support above for questions and troubleshooting.